Boond is performative game where players are given a set of clues and they are asked to play the game on the setup done by the other players. It is an exploration in using water drops as game component and deriving mechanics out of its properties.
[left] Water drops on a leaf. [Right] Replicating the process manually.
पानी केरा बुदबुदा, अस मानुस की जात,
देखत ही छिप जाएगा,ज्यों तारा परभात |
This human race is nothing but like a water bubble,
it will disappear in little time like stars when dawn falls.
Inspired fromm this hymn by Kabir. Taking water bubble as a metaphor for human life, the game illustrates the fragility of life and how our actions and interactions with others transforms, shapes and define who we are.

A small drop of water is static but when it gets combined with other smaller drops it get heavier and start moving. This simple observation was used as a mechanic for the game, how players move and interact with other elements on the board.
Exploring different material surfaces.
If we place water drop on an oily surface, the drop gets sandwiched between the layer of oil, but if we mix a little bit of oil with the water and make a drop, then it starts moving because of less friction. Doing this gives two types of drops to play with, one which is fixed/static and the other is movable.
Now if we give different color to both static and dynamic drop and put it on a flat oily surface, the moving drop changes its color as it touches with the colors of static drop along the way.
How to play
All the drops on the board remain static, they can not move, only one drop which the player control can move on the board. They control the movement and perform actions which influences, change the character's appearance and decides their life's journey based on who they meet or avoid.
Players then can creates their own setup and give goals/clues to each other. The game mechanic remains the same for all rounds, which is to tilt the board to move, collect, or avoid any other drops on the board. There are a few already given setup and goals for the players to start with.
Variation 1 Different yellow and red drops are placed at different positions on the board. You start as yellow and your goal is to travel across the board, be with all your familiar ones and come back to your starting position maintaining your color of origin.
Variation 2 Different blue and red drops are placed at different positions on the board. You are Blue and your goal is to be one with all your parts while not losing yourself.
Variation 3 Different blue, red and yellow drops are placed at different positions on the board. You are yellow and your the goal is to become orange.
Variation 4 Different blue and red drops are placed at different positions on the board. You are yellow and a tiny green one is stuck on the another side of the board, your goal is to become green before reaching to the tiny green one and bringing it back.

Research & Design: Swapnesh Samaiya
Images: Kirti Shah